New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Monday, October 21, 2024
A Family of Encouragers

Finding Your PLACE in Ministry

Finding Your PLACE

PLACE classes are offered during both Sunday Morning Bible Study and Wednesday Evening Bible Study.

Lead Coordinator - Min. Barbara Thomas

Instructors - Rev. Crosby & Sister Diane Scott

      What is PLACE?
PLACE is a bible-based, self-discovery process that helps God’s people find out what their personality is, and what are their spiritual gifts, abilities, passions, and life experiences. Then, by discovering their unique design, they discover where to serve in ministry. The goal of PLACE is not to enlist the participants for any particular ministry. Instead the goal of PLACE is to help the participant enhance their sense of who they are in Christ and to encourage them to actively seek the area of ministry that the Lord would have them serve.
The P in PLACE is for Personality Discovery. Participants use the unique assessments to discover their Personality based on the DISC model.
The L represents Learning Spiritual Gifts. PLACE promotes a Scripture-based, 16-gift model using a comprehensive assessment.
The A stands for Abilities Awareness. Here, the participants complete an assessment to discover the most effective environment for them to serve in comfortably.
The C is for Connecting Passion with Ministry. PLACE’s unique curriculum helps Christians to identify their passions for ministries and people, and discover how they best demonstrate passion.
The E in PLACE deals with Experiences of Life. This session allows individuals to explore the effects of their past experiences and how those experiences play a vital role in finding their place of service.
      How PLACE Has Impacted the Lives of People…
From a Solder serving in active duty”…I finally got to use the PLACE assessments. After my Sergeant saw I was good at handling the cargo and saw how I put some of the troops in line to help unload, I told him it was my gift from God. Soon after that the troops were asking me what their gifts were. We took the assessments and they found out who they were. I was right about a few of them, and the assessments made it more evident. My Sergeant is now asking me who should be in certain jobs and who shouldn’t…”
From a Student “I was so excited to learn more about myself, my personality, and my gifts, and I can’t wait to find out how I can start using them more in our student ministry. It was so awesome to see how we’ve all been uniquely created. I learned my differences from everyone else are GOOD!”
From a Pastor’s Wife “I cannot fully express how much the PLACE class impacted me this weekend. It was exactly what I needed to be able to step back and discover exactly how God wants to use my unique combination of gifts, abilities, passions, and personality type to bring Him the most glory in this incredible local body of believers. I realize that although I try to serve God with my whole heart, I received tremendous clarity at PLACE regarding how to work on certain areas of my life (weaknesses as well as the strengths) to continue toward my full potential in serving Christ. What God revealed to me there in that perfectly constructed environment penetrated my heart and gave me a new, clearer, more directed vision for my life, marriage and ministry.”