New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Friday, February 07, 2025
A Family of Encouragers

Mentoring Ministry

Parents and 11th graders,
The Georgia High School Graduation Writing Test will be administered to all Dekalb County 11th grade students on September 30th and October 1st. 
The purpose of the New Piney Gove Mentoring Program is to provide an outreach program to assist our youth to maximize their potential (spiritually, educationally, personally, and professionally) and empower them for greater success in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • To guide youths in establishing and applying spiritually based morals and values.
  • To assist youths in identifying their strengths and challenges in order to achieve their education al potential.
  • To foster personal growth by encouraging youths to accept their full worth in Christ and to demonstrate Christian characteristics in their relationships.
  • To introduce vocational and career opportunities that encourages intellectual growth and professional developments.
SOURCE OF VOLUNTEERS - Volunteers will include men and women who are members of New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church as well as men and women who are recommended by members of New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church.  All volunteer mentors will need to complete an application and meet the “mentor selection criteria”.
POPULATION SERVED - wThe mentoring program will initially focus on young ladies and men who are members of New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age.  Once the program is established with this age group, the program will be expanded to include youths under the age of 12 years and youths in the community who are not currently members of New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church who it is deemed could benefit from a spiritually based mentoring experience.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Mentor,  please contact: 
Georgia Traylor                       Pam Lucas

Email the monthly Mentor report to:
Renay Rowland                       Gerri Hill