New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Saturday, February 08, 2025
A Family of Encouragers


The history of the Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church dates from 1901 when the church was originated and 1904 the church was deeded. The sum of one dollar was transacted between Robert J. Kelly, of the County and William Jackson, David McGinty, and James Harris as trustees for the Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church of the Second Georgia Missionary Association. The agreement they made holds true for their successors as trustees of Piney Grove Baptist Church as well.
Reverend Andrew Johnson served as pastor of Piney Grove for several years. After passing on, Reverends Watkins, Mackson, Barnes and Robinson contributed to the spiritual growth of the church. They have all passed on.
The old church was destroyed by a wind storm in the 1930’s and rebuilt. In 1932, the Lord sent us Reverend G. G. Willis for thirty-six years. Rev. Willis was a most loving pastor and effective preacher. Rev. D. L. Edwards served as Assistant Pastor for thirteen years. Rev. Willis retired due to health reasons and Rev. Edwards served as Pastor. 
Deacon John Hoke served as Chairman of the Deacon Board for eighteen years. Under his leadership several deacons were ordained. Deacon John Hoke passed on and in 1960; Deacon Jimmy Hoke was elected Chairman of the Deacon Board.
During the height of the Civil Rights Movement, the church was bombed on March 26, 1961. The explosion shattered the church was located on Covington Highway. It was first thought the explosion was caused by a fault gas furnace, but further investigation by the FBI and the U.S. Third Army demolition experts showed that a homemade “nitrogen” bomb caused the damage. This incident was reported in the Atlanta Constitution dated April 25, 1961.
Endowed with sharp spiritual insight the Deacon Board felt our doors should be opened every Sunday. On Tuesday night before the first Sunday in June 1978, the Deacon Board met and passed, with Rev. Edwards' approval, that church service would be held each Sunday. A motion was carried to the body of the church and on the second Sunday in Jun 1978, we became a four Sunday Church. Having three licensed and ordained gospel preachers; Reverends Lewis Clark, John H. Cooper and Willie Starks, we were able to give each the opportunity to preach.
Rev. Edwards served as Pastor for twelve years, resigning February 1, 1982, to become full-time Pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Decatur, Georgia. It was agreed upon by both the Deacon Board and the Church conference body to appoint Rev. Lewis Clark as Acting Pastor. Rev. Clark served for a short term. Having done a great job, he was called to Pastor Damascus Baptist Church, Emerson, Georgia in February 1983. Rev. Willie Starks was called to Pastor J.S. Hammond Baptist Church, Palmetto, Georgia in February 1985.
The Deacon Board called a meeting in consideration of having Rev. R. L. Ridley as Pastor. This decision became effective in April 1982. Under Rev. Ridley's leadership, we were blessed with three choirs; The Male Chorus, the Kids' of the Kingdom and the R. L. Ridley Gospel Choir. Rev. Ridley served as Pastor until March 1988.
Over the years, Piney Grove has been blessed by God with a number of Associate Ministers (Other than those listed above); the list includes Reverends Alphonso Bailey, Marvin Fowler, Anthony Smith, Lee McDaniel, Rev. Shaw, Anthony Smith, Alfonse Burnett, Lionel Daniel, Dorian Joyner, Tim Smith, James Durden, Gregory White, Lewis Luder, Howard Marshall, Rev. Darren Dorsett, Eugene Harris, Pamela Walker, and Argaine Morgan. Our current Associate Ministers are: Reverends James Crosby, Louis McQueen, Layne Fields, Jerry Latimer, Lula Levy, Berry Jones, Geraldine Chapman, Todd Richardson, Johnny Horne, Jill Mays, Gwendolyn Payne, Joe Williams, Clifford Dixon, Sheryl Fitch, Tamera Bradley, Barbara Thomas, Albert Buchanan, Herman Griffith, and Carolyn Coleman.
On July 1, 1988, in love and fellowship, the church body selected Reverend J. Phillip Baker as Pastor. During the second half of 1988, Reverend Baker reorganized the entire church structure by developing and implementing workable by-laws and incorporating the church (The New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist He established an audiotape ministry and assisted in the purchase of land to build a new sanctuary. Because of his effective leadership and guidance, the church's enrollment increased by 50%, as well as member participation in the various church organizations and programs. Reverend Baker resigned as Pastor, November 1999.
After months of relying on guidance from God, our faith and prayers, The New Piney Grove Missionary Baptist Church moved to its present location 2580 Snapfinger Road, Decatur, Georgia, on October 8, 1989.   Reverend Baker resigned in November of 1999.
The Deacon Ministry, in conjunction with the Church, established a Pulpit Committee to oversee the selection of a new pastor in November of 1999. As a result of patience, prayer and waiting on guidance from the Lord, the Church called Reverend Dexter O. Rowland in October of 2000 to be the next pastor.
We can thank God for this Old Ship of Zion because she has landed many of thousand. Our aim is to win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, with God directing us, and taking one step at a time to achieve our goal, we can say, we have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord; trusting in His Holy word - He has never failed us.